Welcome to Buccaneer Nation Registration!

Hello New Buccaneer Families! We are currently completing all registrations for our new and transferring students entirely online.


STEP 1: Collect all the required documentation

REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS (includes immunization)

You must have all required documents available for upload prior to beginning the online enrollment process.

  • PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN PHOTO IDENTIFICATION – Must have valid photo ID such as Drivers License, Official Identification Card, Passport, etc.
  • OFFICIAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE – Other acceptable forms of proof of age may be:
    • Official transcript of child’s birth record
    • A Passport
    • Or other documentation as listed in F.S. 1003.21
  • PHYSICAL EXAMINATION – must have been completed and dated within 12 months of child’s first day of school.
  • FLORIDA IMMUNIZATION FORM – you may contact the Pasco County Health Department for information on the DH680. Required immunizations:
    • Four to Five doses of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine (DTP)
    • Three to five doses of the polio vaccine
    • Two doses of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR)
    • Two or three doses of the hepatitis B vaccine
    • Two doses of varicella vaccine (kindergarten effective school year 2001/2002, then each year an additional grade)
    • Seventh Grade or above: In addition to all other compulsory school immunizations, children entering, attending, or transferring to the seventh grade in Florida schools are required to complete one dose of the tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccine (Tdap)
  • SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – School districts shall request the social security number as per F.S. 1008.386.
  • PROOF OF RESIDENCE – must include:
    • Deed, property tax assessment, lease/rental agreement, or notarized Affidavit of Residency and;
    • Copy of current utility bill or initial order of service, and;
    • Auto registration, driver’s license, Florida ID card or voters registration with current address.
  • APPLICABLE LEGAL DOCUMENTS – current court judgements regarding custody, parenting plans, or other court orders establishing the right of custody.
  • COPY OF IEP OR 504 PLAN (if applicable)

Step 2: After you have collected all the necessary paperwork. Use the online registration link to connect to the district’s registration page. 

STEP 3: Complete a course card for the appropriate grade student is entering.