by Richard | Dec 21, 2018 | GMS Website News
GMS “HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL” CAST LIST Thank you to all who auditioned for the GMS production of HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. Almost 200 of you came out, and we are so happy and proud of the talent and professionalism that each and every one of you showcased. All of our...
by Richard | Dec 14, 2018 | GMS Website News
Thank you to all who auditioned for HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. Between 150-200 of you auditioned over the last four days, and we are so happy that you did! No one has been cast yet. Callbacks, which are second auditions, are for lead rolesonly, so if you are not on this...
by Richard | Dec 14, 2018 | GMS Website News
Permission forms for 6thand 8thgrade field trip to Brooksville Raid Education Day will be going out today (Fri) through History classes. The forms and $10 payment are due by Wednesday 1/9/19 (after break). Please turn in as soon as possible for an accurate...
by Richard | Dec 7, 2018 | GMS Website News
To prepare students for college and career readiness, we are offering all 8th grade students an opportunity to take the PSAT 8/9 at school on January 16, 2019. The materials fee to order is $11 per student. Sign into your child’s account to pay online by December...
by Richard | Oct 16, 2018 | GMS Website News
GMS Theatre presents COMPETITION PIECE by John S. Wells. Three groups of students – The Preppies, The Arties and The Metal Heads – compete in a theatre festival (similar to Thespians). It’s a crazy look at theatre kids, their wacky teachers and their...
by Richard | Sep 28, 2018 | GMS Website News
Check out our school’s online lunch menu!